We believe that WTE is a commercially viable industry because of increasing political attention.

Benefits of WTE

Management of household waste:

First and foremost, it solves one of the most important issues from an environmental perspective, the handling of household waste. WTE provides a focused approach and a comprehensive solution for regional municipalities within countries.

Landfill elimination:

Under the EU directives set out for waste management, the landfill solution has been banned as a method. The WTE solution eliminates all requirements for landfill through a comprehensive solution for all waste.

Renewable Electricity/Heat Production:

A standard Cindrigo WTE plant will produce on average 120,000MWH of electricity and approximately 210,000 MWH (equivalent) of heat. This would be based on a net throughput of 1000 tonnes of waste per day.

Clean Emissions:

Cindrigo WTE conform to the European Union standards of carbon emissions, with a minimal carbon footprint. The WTE solution provided by our company uses a process of incineration that is made with sophisticated cleaning and filter technology, while using the heat to produce “clean energy”.

Biomethane Gas Production:

The WTE process can be further enhanced by adding a digestion unit allowing it to produce Biomethane gas that can be used commercially.

Economic benefits:

It also creates additional jobs, both direct and indirect during construction as well as during operations, and obviously in addition it is also a “driver” for other International investments.